Archive for December, 2004

December 31st, 2004

No Need to Click Here – I’m just claiming my feed at Feedster

feedster claim

December 31st, 2004

No Need to Click Here – I’m just claiming my feed at Feedster

badly bent ranch

December 31st, 2004

badly bent ranch
Originally uploaded by benchristen.

I just got back from a great trip home to nebraska. Great rest and relaxation, plus some fun work projects (maybe more on that later). This is a picture from my grandma’s ranch. It’s nick-named the “badly bent ranch” because during harder times, the saying was, “we’re not broke, but we’re badly bent.” Anyway, always great to go back home.

blog purpose

December 30th, 2004

well, i think i’ll start using this as my personal blog, making posts about my life and stuff. it’ll probably be of no interest to anyone who doesn’t know me, or doesn’t want to know me. ok’dok, more later!

a test post

December 23rd, 2004

This is a test

dreamhost ru|3z

dreamhost ru|3z