Archive for February, 2005

cracked me up

February 18th, 2005

Originally uploaded by benchristen.

It says . . . – this really cracked me up when I saw it. So awesome. How many times have I wondered what a license plate abbreviation meant?? Not in this case! — and great cause too 🙂 (um, note the license plate holder for full effect)

sunshine, lollypops and raindrops!

February 18th, 2005

rainy day – rain drops
Originally uploaded by benchristen.

Love in the form of Lychee Gel

February 14th, 2005

Love in the form of Lychee Gel
Originally uploaded by benchristen.

This is the greatest Valentine’s Day surprise I’ve ever had. So excited! They’re in the fridge now, cooling, waiting, . . . Lychee Gel!! (as a side note, this larger size (not the choking size) are becoming widely available — hooray!)

Subscribe to KCRW!

February 4th, 2005

I know that I really love KCRW when I find myself listening to the subscription drive. The majority of the subscription-week airtime is spent talking about how great the station is, talking about all the premiums, etc. and not playing great music — but still I listen! This tells me how much I depend on the station in my day-to-day existance. KCRW is easily one of my favorite things about LA, and one of the things I’ll miss most if I ever leave LA (thankfully, (streaming 24/7) and satellite radio will ease that pain). Twice a year they have subscription drives and my time to renew is in six months (I’ve been a member for about 3 years). I encourage everyone to subscribe! Depending on the premiums you get, how often you use your discount card (you get this when you subscribe) and especially if you win tickets you more than make up your cost of subscribing. But, that’s not what it’s about — to be truly altruistic, one wouldn’t need anything in return. (I’m working on that, being altruistic). KCRW is super-awesome.

KCRW ( – Subscribe Online!

dreamhost ru|3z

dreamhost ru|3z