Coffee – How I Miss You!

So, it’s now been 4 weeks without coffee. I’m actually doing ok. I didn’t have the nasty headaches that could be expected and I feel fine. However, I do long for coffee — I find myself daydreaming about the sweet, bold flavors; the warm embrace between hand and hot, cardboard cup; the energizing warmth as it goes down the throat and then direct to my mind! I could go on for longer, but then I would just make myself crazy.

Some observations about my life without coffee: much less focused in the afternoon (so easy to drift without that afternoon caffeine shot); constantly at about 90-95% alertness; taking naps (not intentionally, I just get too tired) on weekend days at around 6pm or 7pm; generally a bit less excited about waking up; finding it more necessary to get a good 8 hours sleep each night.

Coffee! I remain faithful to you in my absence! Nothing is taking your place, there are no substitutes for you and all that you mean to me! Soon, soon, we shall be together once again. We’ll get the gang back together too, maybe a donut, maybe cookies, definitely chocolate.

Only three more weeks to go!

dreamhost ru|3z

dreamhost ru|3z